Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/zuoyichenangela
作曲- Angela Zuo
填詞 - Locka Liu, Angela Zuo
編曲- Angela Zuo, Naturehin
攝影 -Naturehin https://www.facebook.com/pages/NatureHin-李卓軒/1607911449458046?fref=ts
錄音- Naturehin https://www.facebook.com/pages/NatureHin-李卓軒/1607911449458046?fref=ts
PA - Ar Ki
這首歌源自朋友發來的一段詞,說想寫首可以去海邊拍mv的歌,晚上我和fd在宿舍common層玩鋼琴、吉他的時候腦海便蹦出了副歌的旋律。幸好朋友英語好!我自己是不敢用英語寫歌詞的……感謝天才製作人給了歌曲各種建議,提供了專業的錄音棚,讓它成了比較完善的一首歌!也感謝詞作者的靈感噴射,mv拍攝助手的汗流浹背~~T T!結果拍mv沒有時間去海邊,就在一片綠色中拍了~
整首歌聽起來很舒服,又文青,希望大家會喜歡。記得一定要聽到副歌,因為副歌(高潮)是重點~ 它的另一個特色是沒有第二段,從高潮開始直接又一波大高潮~
wind is blowing at my eyes
it shuts my lids with u inside
as clear as the green sky
I reach out to taste the rain
mixed with that sunshine which is bright
soda bubble like
you are the apple of my eye
la la la la la
and it all starts when you smile
I try to fake try to hold my breath
I hide myself in the summer heat
but when you turn up by the South street
the tint lights up my black and white
I don’t believe in the fate they say
I keep awake in the tipsy crowd
but when I find the song in your eyes
please sing it to me
woo la la la la la