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R&B / Soul中文歌曲

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After 5 music
After 5 music

發布時間 2025-01-31



城市的角落 風吹動月亮的影子
In the city’s corner, the wind stirs the moon’s shadow.

空氣中倒數著 星星點點的故事
The air counts down the scattered stories of the stars.

夜色柔軟 像一幅未完成的畫
The night is soft, like an unfinished painting.

Longing drifts with the wind through the empty streets.

風輕輕吹 月慢慢墜
The wind gently blows, and the moon slowly falls.

心裡的遺憾 漸漸變成安慰
Regrets in my heart gradually turn into comfort.

給點風 給點月 唯獨不要天空的眼淚
Give me some wind, give me some moon, but not the sky’s tears.

給點花 給點蝶 給我一個春天的感覺
Give me some flowers, give me some butterflies, let me feel the spring.

這一刻 讓世界不再淒冷凋謝
Let this moment stop the world from withering in the cold.

給點風 給點月 讓希望悄悄綻放不滅
Give me some wind, give me some moon, let hope quietly bloom forever.

在這夜裡 我只想擁抱美好瞬間
Tonight, I just want to embrace the beautiful moments.

夜幕退場 春天緩緩浮現
As the night curtain falls, spring slowly emerges.

花開的聲音 在微風裡細碎蔓延
The sound of blooming flowers spreads gently in the breeze.

曾經的陰霾 是夢裡的一片霧
The past haze is now just a mist in my dreams.

現在的光明 帶來新的路
The light of today brings a new path ahead.

給點花 給點蝶 讓心思飛躍
Give me some flowers, give me some butterflies, let my thoughts soar.

遠離那些 讓人疲憊的眼淚
Keep me away from the tears that bring exhaustion.

月光還在指引 風也還在歌唱
The moonlight still guides, and the wind still sings.

我用春天的感覺 把希望點亮
With the feeling of spring, I ignite my hope.

給點風 給點月 能不能給我一個安靜的世界
Give me some wind, give me some moon—can I have a peaceful world?

花開蝶飛 我心裡的春天醉
Flowers bloom, butterflies dance—my heart is drunk on spring.

風輕月柔 讓回憶變得甜美
The soft wind and gentle moon make memories sweet.

只要此刻的美麗 不再枯竭
As long as this beauty never fades away.

讓安靜 將心裡的紛擾擊退
Let the silence drive away the chaos in my heart.

給點花 給點蝶 給我一個春天的感覺
Give me some flowers, give me some butterflies, let me feel the spring.

這一刻 讓世界不再淒冷凋謝
Let this moment stop the world from withering in the cold.

給點風 給點月 讓希望悄悄綻放不滅
Give me some wind, give me some moon, let hope quietly bloom forever.

在這夜裡 我只想擁抱美好瞬間
Tonight, I just want to embrace the beautiful moments.

給點花 給點蝶 給我一個春天的感覺
Give me some flowers, give me some butterflies, let me feel the spring.

The wind scatters the past tears and ashes.

給一點風 給一點月 能不能給我一個安靜的世界
Give me some wind, give me some moon—can I have a peaceful world?

Let love stay in its purest form.

這份春天 是我最深的慰藉
This spring is my deepest comfort.

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After 5 music
