<P>I like this song a lot. Again, great lyrics. Is Shawn older than you? He has a deeper voice. I like your voice the way it is now, but I wonder if it'll change in a few years (I hope not, hehe...). Right now, it's sort of between a boy and a man's voice. Maybe that's how you could play around with your voice, making those really high pitches and go down low to sound masculine. </P>
<p>這首歌真的很夠水準耶 難怪你那麼有成就感!</p><p>不管是後面的鼓聲 還是你們的合音</p><p>聽了真舒服<img src="http://tw.streetvoice.com/images/faceicon/face_type2_02.gif" mce_src="http://tw.streetvoice.com/images/faceicon/face_type2_02.gif" border="0"> <br></p>
17 年前
0 個喜歡
<P mce_keep="true"> </P>
<P><FONT size=2><STRONG>方大同的歌一出來就很喜歡了,有畫面感和質感,比較喜歡的是《愛愛愛》和《春風吹》,以為這樣的歌手是要紅的吧,想不到後來都沒有幾個人是知道他的,而在決賽時突然聽到唱《愛愛愛》,嚇了一跳,就覺得你蠻可愛的~<BR><BR>校園的時候就很注意你了,不是因為喜歡《黑色幽默》而是喜歡你說那句:我沒有女朋友,也沒有男朋友~聽完後快笑S了,當時就覺得你很可愛~~<BR><BR>你在歌喉戰上的其他歌不是很喜歡,因為不喜歡歌聲後面的長抖音,要是短點就好了,特別喜歡的是《THIS LOVE》和《人質》,《THIS LOVE》夠王者氣勢,《人質》夠感人,有時候晚上都會想到這首歌。唱得真是太好了!<BR><BR>你的音樂很好聽!加油!<BR></STRONG></FONT></P>
17 年前
0 個喜歡
<P>I like this song a lot. Again, great lyrics. Is Shawn older than you? He has a deeper voice. I like your voice the way it is now, but I wonder if it'll change in a few years (I hope not, hehe...). Right now, it's sort of between a boy and a man's voice. Maybe that's how you could play around with your voice, making those really high pitches and go down low to sound masculine. </P>
17 年前
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17 年前
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17 年前
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17 年前
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17 年前
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17 年前
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<FONT lang=ZH-TW face=MingliU>
<P>很喜歡“定格”﹐</FONT> <FONT lang=ZH-TW face=MingliU>好棒的旋律﹐</FONT> <FONT lang=ZH-TW face=MingliU>動人的歌聲﹐</FONT> <FONT lang=ZH-TW face=MingliU>聽了一便又一便。</FONT> <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: Garamond; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'">Congratulations! Good luck and enjoy the rest of your college life!</SPAN></P>
17 年前
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17 年前
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