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beatiful snow
beatiful snow

beatiful snow


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beatiful snow

beatiful snow

Joi Sue
Joi Sue

發布時間 2009-08-18


最喜歡的那一幕就是女主角在冰雕旁邊翩翩起舞 愛德華的深情注視
然後 就有了這首歌

無奈 家裡的是我第一把吉他 音質非常非常的爛

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beatiful snow

i'm living in an old castle
there's a girl living downside hills
she's the best scene i've ever oh known i know

when winter come and gone
i have her a gift it's the snow

oh ~~oh beatiful snow
it's for your own show
oh~~oh beatiful snow
i'll never let it go

the feature back at the ice statue
you're more than the muse
i was dizzy by the reflection oh~~oh~~
my heartbeating followed with your dancing your dancing

oh ~~oh beatiful snow
i make it for you
oh~~oh beatiful snow
i'll never let it go oh~~

how i wish i could reach your face
how i wish i ~~ how i wish i ~~
don't have the scissorhands

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