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Omar Black
Omar Black

發布時間 2020-11-05


DELAYING DEATH single by Omar Black/Godzay Katana 2020 All rights reserved.

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Put it on bz I’m a condom 带上它 我是个避*套

WAP on the bz she loves 3 some 闪亮的她喜欢三人行

She throwing a match into gas pond 她向燃气池扔了火苗

She want to be fueled in an another around 她想在下一轮加满油

I don’t even know where she’s coming from 我甚至不知道她是从哪里来的

She’s taking a selfie while getting pounded 她一边自拍一边接受冲击

She taking the both from back and the front 她喜欢前后夹击

She just want some real fun 她想要真正的快乐

One by one hold the line y'all plz and I’ll feed you something 一个一个排好队 我来给你们喂食

I don’t need what u need 我不需要你需要的

don’t tryna act like a somebody close to me now 别试着和我走太近

You should have paid for the breath that u stolen a moment 你应该为呼吸的每口空气付费

you’re living too long 你活的太久了

You should have run away from me 你最好跑开 离我远点

kept guessing my purpose you know what I’m about 继续猜忌我的目的 你知道我想干什么

I need a tissue to wipe off the blood on my mouth 我需要纸巾擦干嘴上的血

I’ve been starving too long 我饿了太久

No need to fake it like struggling 不需要假装奋斗

I came with a lottery bz tryna clone 我出生就中了彩票 这你也想复制

They built a stomach and esophagus 他们造了食道和胃

bz tryna swallow me head to the toes 想要把我从头到脚吞下去

They grown out fangs today 今天他们长出了獠牙

spit on me bite on me cuz I can’t feed em no more 冲着我吐口水 咬着我的肉 因为我不能给他们喂食

Bz I’m a carbon based made up of atoms try to breathe 我只是个原子组成的碳基生物,想要喘口气

I dun got empathy for you 我和你没法共情

the f what you talk you dun know what it means 因为你自己都不知道自己在说什么

I don’t need Benz friends around here 我不需要酒肉朋友

mosaic on the filters of photo you’ve rent 你租来照片的滤镜上还有马赛克

define and sort it duplicate then tag em all 定义,归类再复制,然后打上价格

what kind specie I am? 你觉得我是什么品种?

Put it on bz I’m a condom 带上它 我是个避*套

WAP on the bz she loves 3 some 闪亮的她喜欢三人行

She throwing a match into gas pond 她向燃气池扔了火苗

She want to be fueled in an another around 她想在下一轮加满油

I don’t even know where she’s coming from 我甚至不知道她是从哪里来的

She’s taking a selfie while getting pounded 她一边自拍一边接受冲击

She taking the both from back and the front 她喜欢前后夹击

She just want some real fun 她想要真正的快乐

Bz I’m a carbon based made up of atoms try to breathe 我只是个原子组成的碳基生物,想要喘口气

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