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Hip hop / Rap

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發布時間 2013-12-19


這首詞是Mr. Lu有感而發,紀念賈柏斯對這個世界的貢獻。

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詞:S.C.Lu 曲/編曲/演唱/合聲:Skier Lu

*iMac, iTune, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iCloud
世人皆愛Steve Jobs

蘋果電腦一號二號 晴天霹靂震撼全球
麥金塔裡藝術字型 典範轉移蔚為風氣
若非休學焉得旁聽 字形藝術心儀學門
個人電腦於焉普及 豈是老天巧安排?

二十年寒窗無人問 一舉成名天下知
意氣風發任性獨裁 三十功名飛灰煙滅
流年暗轉覓生機 追尋直覺度迷津
新創Next又創Pixar 軟體平台為誰開?
蘋果買下Next奠宏基 迪士尼併購Pixar虎添翼

*iMac, iTune, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iCloud
世人皆愛Steve Jobs

重回蘋果當顧問 既顧且問課奪宮
重掌兵符挽狂瀾 重新布局脫胎換骨
不同凡響石破天驚 客戶導向為宗旨
四方格中定策略 四大產品聚焦點
產品設計極約簡 信奉less but better
工程技術超領先 人文藝術真體驗
硬體軟件及內容 垂直整合天衣無縫
稱霸的商業模式 引領風騷數十年
*iMac, iTune, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iCloud
世人皆愛Steve Jobs

Lyrics in English:

*iMac, iTune, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iCloud
Everybody loves Steve Jobs

iMac #1 & 2, what great works in the world
Artistic fonts of Macintosh, not only exclusive but also beautiful
Drop out of school and observe calligraphy, Jobs is such a genius
Personal computer is everywhere, thank God for this wonderful thing

Making efforts for over 20 years, Jobs finally becomes famous
Dictatorship and willfulness, He is the real boss in Mac company
Up and down in the business, Mac constantly competes with Microsoft
Then Next and Pixar was born, Jobs’ expansion of the professions
Mac mergers Next and Disney mergers Pixar, that’s the way it is

*iMac, iTune, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iCloud
Everybody loves Steve Jobs

Jobs’ back to Mac as consultant, dictatorship and willfulness
Infinite creativity and inventions, everything is brand new every minute
Mac’s products are breakthrough and unique, consumption and results are incredible
Minimalism is the design concept, “less but better” is the faith
Leading technique and engineer, with humanity and artistic innovations
Fine hardware and countless applications, perfect match with each other
Domination of computer business, Mac is pioneering over decades

*iMac, iTune, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iCloud
Everybody loves Steve Jobs

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