夜空中最亮的星能否聽清 The brightest star shinning upon darkness 那仰望的人心底的孤獨和嘆息 Can you hear the sighing of loneliness in my soul? 夜空中最亮的星能否記起 The brightness star shinning upon darkness 曾與我同行消失在風裡的身影 Can you remember that there was a person who came with me and is now gone. 我祈禱擁有一顆透明的心靈和會流淚的眼睛 Please listen to my prayer. I would like to have the heart of sincere and eyes with tears. 給我再去相信的勇氣越過謊言去擁抱你 Please give me the courage to believe in you, to embrace you beyond lies. 每當我找不到存在的意義 Whenever I feel confused to the reason to live, 每當我迷失在黑夜裡 Whenever I lost myself in darkness, 夜空中最亮的星請指引我靠近你 The brightest star shinning upon darkness, please lead me to you 夜空中最亮的星是否知道 The brightest star shinning upon darkness, 曾與我同行的身影如今在哪裡 Do you ever know where the person who stayed with me is now? 夜空中最亮的星是否在意 The brightest star shinning upon darkness, 是等太陽升起還是意外先來臨 Do you ever care about whether the hope or the accident would come first? 我寧願所有痛苦都留在心裡也不願忘記你的眼睛 I would rather disguise my pain from you instead of forgetting the pureness in your eyes. 給我再去相信的勇氣越過謊言去擁抱你 Please give me the courage to believe in you, to embrace you beyond lies. 每當我找不到存在的意義 Whenever I feel confused to the reason to live, 每當我迷失在黑夜裡 Whenever I lost myself in darkness, 夜空中最亮的星請照亮我前行 The brightest star shinning upon darkness, please guide me to you 我祈禱擁有一顆透明的心靈和會流淚的眼睛 Please listen to my prayer. I would like to have the heart of sincere and eyes with tears. 給我再去相信的勇氣越過謊言去擁抱你 Please give me the courage to believe in you, to embrace you beyond lies. 每當我找不到存在的意義 Whenever I feel confused to the reason to live, 每當我迷失在黑夜裡 Whenever I lost myself in darkness, 夜空中最亮的星請照亮我前行 The brightest star shinning upon darkness, please brighten my way. 夜空中最亮的星能否聽清 The brightest star shinning upon darkness 那仰望的人心底的孤獨和嘆息 Can you hear the sighing of loneliness in my soul?
★╭稚氣〃嵐 ☆
10 年前
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10 年前
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great!!!!!!!nice voice
10 年前
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Shi-Yang Ye
夜空中最亮的星能否聽清 The brightest star shinning upon darkness 那仰望的人心底的孤獨和嘆息 Can you hear the sighing of loneliness in my soul? 夜空中最亮的星能否記起 The brightness star shinning upon darkness 曾與我同行消失在風裡的身影 Can you remember that there was a person who came with me and is now gone. 我祈禱擁有一顆透明的心靈和會流淚的眼睛 Please listen to my prayer. I would like to have the heart of sincere and eyes with tears. 給我再去相信的勇氣越過謊言去擁抱你 Please give me the courage to believe in you, to embrace you beyond lies. 每當我找不到存在的意義 Whenever I feel confused to the reason to live, 每當我迷失在黑夜裡 Whenever I lost myself in darkness, 夜空中最亮的星請指引我靠近你 The brightest star shinning upon darkness, please lead me to you 夜空中最亮的星是否知道 The brightest star shinning upon darkness, 曾與我同行的身影如今在哪裡 Do you ever know where the person who stayed with me is now? 夜空中最亮的星是否在意 The brightest star shinning upon darkness, 是等太陽升起還是意外先來臨 Do you ever care about whether the hope or the accident would come first? 我寧願所有痛苦都留在心裡也不願忘記你的眼睛 I would rather disguise my pain from you instead of forgetting the pureness in your eyes. 給我再去相信的勇氣越過謊言去擁抱你 Please give me the courage to believe in you, to embrace you beyond lies. 每當我找不到存在的意義 Whenever I feel confused to the reason to live, 每當我迷失在黑夜裡 Whenever I lost myself in darkness, 夜空中最亮的星請照亮我前行 The brightest star shinning upon darkness, please guide me to you 我祈禱擁有一顆透明的心靈和會流淚的眼睛 Please listen to my prayer. I would like to have the heart of sincere and eyes with tears. 給我再去相信的勇氣越過謊言去擁抱你 Please give me the courage to believe in you, to embrace you beyond lies. 每當我找不到存在的意義 Whenever I feel confused to the reason to live, 每當我迷失在黑夜裡 Whenever I lost myself in darkness, 夜空中最亮的星請照亮我前行 The brightest star shinning upon darkness, please brighten my way. 夜空中最亮的星能否聽清 The brightest star shinning upon darkness 那仰望的人心底的孤獨和嘆息 Can you hear the sighing of loneliness in my soul?
10 年前
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Kc Liu
10 年前
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好像現在頭一仰 就有一片星空
10 年前
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